Tuesday, June 13, 2006

part 2

I made an appointment.

Unfortunately, i won't get to meet her this time...I'll be seeing one of the practitioners.

And the three hospitals she has priviledges at, don't have any tubs. So there goes my waterbirth. Or even laboring in the water. I want to stay at home as long as possible anyways, but I loved being in the water during contractions, so that's sad.
Josh's dad knows another doctor with midwives in his practice, but he's a guy, which we'd rather not have, so he's definitely plan B. We'll go see him if we're not comfortable with her practice, though...it's good to have a backup plan. We never did have that with Jasmine.


Deanna said...

bring your own pool!!!!!!!!! or see if you can...all you need is a bigger blow up kiddy pool!!!!!!

good for you choosing to use a midwife...
how ya feeling?

Josh Virkler said...

Deanna, is that really an option?? We have a pool we bought for when I had Jasmine, with a blow-up pump and everything. Wonder if we can do that....

Feeling good. A bit tired, and starting to "feel" pregnant, in a good way. Thanks :)