Tuesday, June 06, 2006

101 update

I've been working on some of the things on my list.

Today is my seventh day in a dress :) I cheated a little though and wore pants for a couple hours, a couple days, so I'll go another couple days before I count it a week.

It wasn't anything huge to me. My mom wore skirts almost all the time while I grew up, purely by choice, so it's just a normal thing. I prefer pants, but I'm hoping this will make it more of a choice, and not wearing pants because I forget I own dresses and skirts :) I didn't put it on the list, but I've put Jasmine in dresses every day too. That's pretty easy since she got a bunch of cute ones for her birthday, but it's kinda fun that we're both dressing this way :)

The apartment is getting closer and closer to looking like we've lived here for awhile. I keep thinking it's childproof and then Jasmine finds something that isn't, so I've been coming up with clever ways to keep things out of her sight if she shouldn't have them.

She's ready for a nap so that's all for now :)

1 comment:

Deena said...

Girl dont you know with a little one, nothing is ever childproof?? LOL

Good luck trying!

Sounds like your having fun with your 101 list!!