Saturday, June 17, 2006

I'm proud of myself :)

For non-scrappers, I'll start with an explanation.

People who create elements/kits/papers for digital scrapbooking usually have a "creative team," a group of scrapbookers who receive the kits and make pages with them, with the intent of those pages creating more interest and make people want to buy their kits.

I never thought I would apply to be on a team, because usually being given a requirement stifles my ability to actually create.

But one of the designers on TDC, whose stuff is absolutely amazing, had a call for 5 new people on her CT, so I decided to give it a try. I applied on Tuesday, knowing we wouldn't find out until today. It's been a long week, wondering, hoping I could do it, hoping I wouldn't be devestated if I didn't get on her team.

I dreamed about it last night...half my dreams I made it, the other half of the dreams I didn't. So I really didn't know how this would turn out!

I'm not on the team. She hasn't posted the official list, but said she sent out the emails for it, and no email for me.

I'm really okay with it! Sure, it would have been amazing...all of her kits, free, to play with...but I'm fine with it. This just isn't the right time.

Maybe I'll try again for another team, if I really like the designer's work...


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