Saturday, July 15, 2006

Amazing Juice

Josh and I were talking last night. We've been introduced to this amazing stuff, called Goji juice (otherwise known as wolfberry juice). It's unbelievable. No morning sickness, a ton more energy...Josh has been waking up and getting to work at least 30 minutes before he was, and we've both been more productive at work.

So anyways, he asked if I'd told anyone about it. I said, "no, not really. I mentioned it to one or two people, but nothing else." What??? Something that's done such amazing things for me, and I'm not sharing it?

But I pointed out, I'm not exactly the world's best evangelist.
So I'm consistent...and I think both really need to change.

If anyone wants to know more about the juice, you can leave me a comment with your email address, and I'll write to you and tell you all about it. It really has changed our lives!

And if you want to know about the Lord, including how to hear His voice (Josh's dad teaches an amazing seminar on that very topic) write to me about that too, and I'll get you in touch with some awesome stuff. :)

1 comment:

~Melissa~ said...

probably cant find the juice here but would love to hear more about it! and again....

CONGRATS on Liddys Loft CT! You'll be working with my stuff and I just finished up some pregnancy word art! LOL