Monday, July 10, 2006

{boring update}

Bev, I'll have Josh take a belly pic in the next couple days. The 16th is my official picture-date, but I'll try to get one before that :)

I applied for another creative team last week. This is for a website, not a single designer. The website is run by a Christian lady, and there are cool scripture challenges on the site. They're having kind of a rolling admission to the CT, so I have no idea how long before I hear anything (or, if I hear anything...does she say "thanks, but no thanks," or just hold onto my application in case she decides later...) According to a girl on Digi Chick who just got on the team, she's moving and not really online much right now, so I'm trying hard to be patient.

Meanwhile, the past two nights I've dreamed about scrapbooking, in various aspects (not actually scrapping, but the whole world). I'm really hoping I can be as relaxed about it as I was with Jan's (the team I tried for a few weeks ago) but the longer it goes, the more I get my hopes up (which is probably pretty silly, as the longer it goes, the less likelihood of me actual getting in.

Mom's parents are up for a few days (no idea exactly how long) so Jasmine and I will likely drive out in a couple days to spend a few hours with them. Since they won't be here over the weekend, we can't all go together. I'm a little nervous...2 hours in the car with Jasmine could be a great drive, or it could be eternally long. We'll see!!

1 comment:

~Melissa~ said...

I really hope you make this team Charlene! You deserve it! And I pray that your car trip goes well... praying Jasmine will sleep the whole way!

Have a wonderful day and can't wait to see those belly pics!