Friday, July 28, 2006

How to share what's important with you while not sounding like a know-it-all

Doesn't that sound like a good thing to know?

Ummmm, anyone know how to do it?

I have been blessed with an amazing, awesome family, and the family I married into is amazing and awesome as well.
I've learned so much cool stuff from them.
And as I get more confident in my decisions, I want to share the things I've learned with others.
Problem is, I hate it when people push their ideas on me, so I don't want to push things on others.

For example. My father-in-law teaches how to hear God's voice. For any Christian who believes He still speaks today, this is an awesome, down-to-earth, practical method to learn how to hear His voice every single day.
He also teaches how to understand what God is speaking to us through our dreams.
And how to take care of our bodies...

Speaking of that, we've come across a couple things that have changed our lives in so many ways (one I've mentioned a couple times already). I love what they've done for us, and wish I could tell everyone about them. But I'm scared to tell people, for fear they'll think I'm trying to make them buy it.

I don't know if this will improve as I "grow up" more (maybe turning 30 will give me more confidence) or if it's something God needs to help me grow in, but I really struggle with this. I know people that can sell anyone, anything. I envy that ability. Not that I want to "sell" people things Since I also know people who push their ideas and "facts" on others shamelessly, I am very, very cautious about how much I try to tell people about what I believe to be true. But there are some things that are true, whether people want to listen to them or not.

{sigh} Thanks for "listening" to me ramble.

1 comment:

Reformed Mama said...

dude! this is so me. only i probably don't keep quiet as much as you do. i would never want to PUSH anyone into anything, but i soooo want to share things i've learned. it's a very hard balance.