Saturday, July 08, 2006

Where did the week go?

Having Tuesday off really threw me for a loop. How can it be Saturday already?? Nice surprise!

Unfortunately there's not much to write. I'm a bit tired, but not quite enough to lean back and try to sleep in the recliner. Jasmine's been out for awhile, but it always seems to cut her naps short if/when I join her.

We're going to my parents' this evening. It's going to be brother and his wife are moving on Monday to Virginia. I'm so excited for them, but it will be very strange to have them so far away.

Josh got fitted for his tux last night. Did I write about it here? His cousin Brad, who was our best man, has asked him to be his best man for his wedding, next month. We thought our engagement was short, but theirs is half the length ours was (just barely enough time to get invitations out!) I'm glad it's him in the wedding and not me...I think my belly is starting to show. It could be pretty tricky to find a dress that fits me! I have a pretty one I'm hoping will long as I don't get too much bigger in the next month!


Reformed Mama said...

well your folloewrs need belly picts so we can determine if you are showing or not. :)

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for the dress!! I absolutely love when the week goes quick and the weekend is a surprise!