Friday, July 28, 2006

50 things about me

Thanks, Bev, for the idea :) This was fun!

50 things about me

1. I am not a "Char." :)
2. I am obsessed with not shortening names without permission.
3. I will never tan
4. I used to hate my freckles
5. I go many days without talking to anyone other than Josh and Jasmine
6. I have far more online friends than real-life friends
7. I hate lists that all start with the same word.
8. Misused apostrophes are a huge obsession for me.
9. I hated art class, english, and anything else remotely creative.
10. My biggest pasttime is scrapbooking...and people must think I'm decent since I'm on three Creative Teams!
11. I can keep a secret someone tells me, but have a hard time keeping my own secrets.
12. I don't offer something I'm not willing to give/do. If I say I want you over for dinner, I'm usually ready to set a date (assuming I have a calendar on hand)
13. I hate talking on the phone.
14. In high school, I had a phone attached to my ear for hours on end.
15. I am living my dream life, but in a much smaller home than I hope to live in someday.
16. I have very vivid dreams, whether pregnant or not.
17. I love "figuring things out."
18. I hate instruction manuals, technical documents, and legalese.
19. I love hymns in church, but listen to pop and rock at home.
20. I love ballet, but stand still in church.
21. I love all things black and white. Pictures, movies, and black and white arguments.
22. I have strong opinions on many topics but try to be a peacemaker.
23. I am naturally very competitive but try to stay out of situations where it will hurt my confidence.
24. I love transparent people.
25. I'm pretty crunchy (I can't believe how much of our produce is organic!)
26. I grew up an avid bookworm.
27. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
28. Somehow I am balance cynicism and optimism.
29. I love lists.
30. I love personality figuring out how I'm a "firstborn" or "ISTJ" or left-brained.
31. Calculus was an awesome class in school!
33. In college and in Turkey I always heard that I look like Molly Ringwald but I haven't yet seen one of her movies.
34. Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress.
35. If I see a mess (or a house that needs painting) I love trying to picture it fixed/cleaned.
36. I don't mind folding clothes but hate having to re-fold them when Jasmine climbs in the basket.
37. I love food. Love cooking and baking, but hate cleaning up from those things. It's my favorite thing to find out about a 'new' culture.
38. I'm a morning person, but wake up very slowly in the morning.
39. I can't watch tense/scary movies...I get too involved and have nightmares about it for days (nights).
40. I can't wait to get a puppy.
41. I am so glad our wedding is behind us. I loved the actual time, but the preparation was sooo not fun. If we could do it again, we'd elope.
42. I only read funny forwards. I delete the rest without reading them.
43. I hate commercials for stores that have a "sale of the century" every week. Does anyone fall for that?
44. I can't wait to be debt-free!
45. Dancing is FUN!!!
46. Shopping isn't fun when you try not to spend a penny.
47. I love remembering people's birthdays, and when people remember mine.
48. Frasier was one of the best shows on TV. Up there with Mary Tyler Moore, The Bob Newhart Show, and Whose Line is it Anyway (my new discovery)
49. I am very loyal, and have a hard time breaking that loyalty. When I worked at JoAnn's, I wouldn't go into Michael's. Period. And I still won't shop at Tops (the "other" supermarket around here). I'm a Wegmans girl :)
50. Good thing I finished the list...Jasmine woke up!


Reformed Mama said...

i STILL hate my freckles. and i'm glad you wrote out #2. i tend to shorten names. i can't stand the full version of my name.

there have been numerous times when I've *almost* typed jas instead of jasmine, but thought better of it. lol!

Deanna said...

LMAO..bah you got lucky...I had a 100 to do LMAO..great list Charlene...and I know better than to call you Char!... LMAO!